Repairlix Distribution

Cory Dodt

This is the documentation for the Repairlix Linux distribution.

Table of Contents
1. Overview
1.1. Purpose of this Guide
1.2. License
1.3. Feedback
1.4. Philosophy
2. Installation
2.1. From an ISO
2.2. From Source
2.3. Building Repairlix As a Normal User
3. Modifying Repairlix
4. Using Repairlix
4.1. Booting from the CD
4.2. Initial Configuration after Boot
4.3. Some Common Tasks
5. Resources
5.1. Web Page
5.3. Concurrent Versioning System (CVS)
Appendix A. Appendices
Appendix A.1. Including a Kernel in Repairlix
Appendix A.2. Software Notes for Building Repairlix
Appendix A.3. Notes